Reparative therapy of “small” wounds from the position of dermatologist and cosmetologist

O.B. Tamrazova

People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia

ALLERGOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY IN PEDIATRICS, Volume 57 • Number 2 • June 2019, pp. 4 – 12
DOI: 10.24411/2500-1175-2019-00006

An important problem in the practice of dermatovenerologists and cosmetologists is the restoration of skin defects (small wounds) that occur due to damage of various origins. Cracks, erosion, ulcers, excoriation can become the “entrance gate” for infection, accompanied by increased bleeding, pain. The healing process goes through 3 stages: inflammation, regeneration and scarring. Reducing the time of healing phases leads to rapid repair of skin defects. Modern skin damage therapy includes the main directions: prevention and treatment of infection, the fastest healing of skin defects, prevention of pathological healing and cosmetic defects. Modern drug is the drug Dermalibour+ (cream):, which reduces the healing time of wounds and prevents the development at the site of damage of cosmetic defects.

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Tamrazova OB. Reparative therapy of “small” wounds from the position of dermatologist and cosmetologist. Allergology and Immunology in Pediatrics. 2019;57(2):4-12. (In Russ.)

For correspondense

O.B. Tamrazova