Severe bronchial asthma in children

S.V. Zaitseva 1, O.V. Zaitseva 1, E.E. Lokshina 1, A.K. Zastrozhina 2, O.A. Murtazaeva 1

1 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdоkimov, Moscow, Russia
2 Children’s City Polyclinic No.42 of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia

ALLERGOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY IN PEDIATRICS, Volume 58 • Number 3 • September 2019, pp. 4 – 14
DOI: 10.24411/2500-1175-2019-00011

Severe, difficult to control bronchial asthma in children is still a serious problem in pediatrics and allergology. The disease significantly reduces the quality of life of patients and their families and increases health care costs.
According to GINA 2019, 24% of patients use the amount of therapy corresponding to severe asthma, of which in 17% of patients it is possible to establish the factors of low symptom control. These factors include low adherence to therapy, poor compliance, errors in the technique of using drugs, concomitant diseases, and in some cases incorrect diagnosis. However, severe refractory asthma, is diagnosed in 3,7% of patients.
The article presents clinical, diagnostic and treatment features of severe bronchial asthma in children.

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Zaitseva SV, Zaitseva OV, Lokshina EE, Zastrozhina AK, Murtazaeva OA. Severe bronchial asthma in children. Allergology and Immunology in Pediatrics. 2019;58(3):4-14. (In Russ.)

For correspondense

S.V. Zaitseva

O.V. Zaitseva

E.E. Lokshina

A.K. Zastrozhina

O.A. Murtazaeva